Understanding the Connection Between Health and Disease

People want to be healthy. Many people want to maintain a healthy weight for their bodies and keep away from illnesses such as diabetes and cancer. Healthy weight loss is a very significant and crucial part in maintaining good health. Staying fit is not only good for the body, but also gives many psychological benefits. People who are fit are less stressed, happier and healthier.


According to the World Health Organization, “health, as a state of total physical, mental and emotional well-being and not just the absence of sickness and disease, is essential for the maintenance of an optimum level of life and is important in the prevention of the onset of diseases, in its treatment and recovery, and in the maintenance of a socially active and productive life.” Various definitions have been used over the years for the purpose of describing health. One of the most recent definitions given by the WHO is, “A health system that provides all the essential components required for the health of an individual or community through the preventive, therapeutic and medical care of individuals and communities.”

The first step to a healthy life is to accept that you have a problem and take responsibility for your health. Acceptance is an integral part of the third definition. Once you accept that you have a problem, you can then attempt to reduce your risk factors for diseases and improve your overall health and well being.

Risk factors include things that you do or can do which increases your likelihood of developing a disease or illness. Some of the risk factors for illnesses and diseases include: a family history of illness; obesity; a chronic illness; a diet that is deficient in nutrients; a high intake of alcoholic beverages; a high consumption of tobacco products; a history of infectious diseases; gender; and your occupational status. The absence of these risk factors reduces the probability of getting an illness. However, even though you may be at low risk for getting an illness, if you do develop an illness it does not necessarily mean that you will not survive.

Health and disease education can play a key role in both reducing your risk for illness and improving your wellness. It is important to realize that health and disease education does not have to be limited to adults. Children and teens should also be made aware of the risks and benefits of staying healthy. This can only be done by providing them with information about how to identify a health problem and how to deal with it. It is also important to provide them with resources that they can use to improve their eating and exercise habits as well as to protect themselves from common diseases and illnesses.

Health is an ongoing process. A healthy lifestyle will keep you healthy and disease free. However, if you have developed a condition you will want to make sure that you practice healthy self-care. Self-care can include taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Developing a healthy self-care program can go a long way in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.