What Is A Good Quality Of Health And Well-Being?


What Is A Good Quality Of Health And Well-Being?

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition of full physical, emotional and social well being and not just the absence of illness and disease. Various definitions have been applied over the years for different applications. One of these is the dictionary definition which states that health is the condition of being fit and well. Another dictionary states that health is the state of being well, peaceful and contented. The most common application of the word is to mean the quality of life that one experiences. The happiness with this definition is relative and not absolute.

Another definition is the interdisciplinary brain study, that regards a human health as the sum total of all the components of the brain and the functions of the nervous system that produces the physical and mental processes. The human brain is a highly complex system that is comprised of over 500 components and is constantly in a state of activity. It is a very complex system and each component plays an important role in determining the overall function of the entire system. A definition of this state of mind can be defined as a mental or physical condition that has no impact on the functioning of the body but has an impact on the mental well being and the level of performance.

According to this interdisciplinary definition, a human being is mentally healthy if they are able to develop the following mental states: active participation in the social world, active reflection and control of the human body, active use of sensory and affective senses, ability to make good decisions, capability to learn, emotional stability, capability to make good decisions, ability to regulate behavior, ability to concentrate, flexibility, concentration and alertness. This list is very broad and it is dependent upon the situation in which the person finds themselves. It is a continuously changing list and there are many variations within the definition. The ability to develop these mental states is an ongoing process. Therefore, a person who considers himself to be physically healthy may find himself unable to achieve a high degree of self-awareness or his physical health may inhibit him from developing mental health.

However, it is not uncommon for people who consider themselves to be physically healthy to find themselves lacking in one or more of the aforementioned capabilities. For example, a physically healthy individual may have very good health and an absence of any major physical health problems such as cancer, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, or depression. If these individuals were then diagnosed with a major depression or heart disease, their good health would certainly be challenged. This reflects both on the extent of the depression or disease and the quality of life that was perceived to be achieved by the patient at the time of diagnosis.

Mental health and well-being are closely associated because both affect each other. Both are influenced by the presence or absence of mental disorders, which range from minor to severe, in an individual. The presence of minor psychological illnesses such as depression or anxiety can contribute to poor health and well-being in an individual. Conversely, the absence of serious psychological disorders including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or hypertension, can contribute to good health and a higher quality of life.

Unfortunately, there is no definitive definition for the existence and quality of health and well-being. Rather, a common definition is used to inform clinical guidelines and diagnostic tools used in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders. In essence, the definition of what is normal varies from practitioner to practitioner, as each person has a unique set of circumstances surrounding his/her mental health and well-being. It is important, therefore, for anyone who may have a risk of developing a certain disorder to be aware of the potential impact that the disorder may have on his or her physical environment and life.