The Meaning of “Health” in Medical Terminology

When it comes to a person’s health, one’s overall well-being is usually considered a factor. It is the ability to be healthy in all aspects of life. However, the definition of health is a relative term that typically involves a person’s ability to function throughout their life. This also includes their capacity to enjoy life, whether this involves having a happy and fulfilling marriage, managing career and family, or even enjoying leisure time.


In the definition given by WHO, health is said to be “the absence of any disease, illness, impairment, or defect that affects the functioning of organs, tissues, muscles, emotions, or the physical capacity.” As a result, health is not just a state of being clean and well but it is an inclusive process that includes a person’s capacity to enjoy life. WHO goes on to define health as, “an adaptation to living in a society characterized by complete physical, emotional and social well-being.” This definition is important because it encourages people to seek treatment if they are diagnosed with a condition or disease that may affect their quality of life. By doing so, a person is recognizing that their condition is treatable and that their quality of life is capable of improvement. This is important because, as time goes on, diseases begin to progress and can cause more devastating consequences than before.

The second definition is slightly different from the first. It states that the absence of any disease or impairment does not necessarily mean a person is in perfect health. Rather, it is necessary to take into account the persons’ general health, which encompasses their capacity to live a regular and happy life. Because there are no absolute guarantees of a person’s health, the second definition is used to determine if a person has reached a level of disability that requires special consideration.

The third definition is a bit more controversial. According to this second definition, a person who dies suddenly or of any other cause does not meet the standards of health as defined by their health policy. Therefore, those who die of illnesses like cancer, AIDS, leukemia or other chronic conditions are considered to be unhealthy. The only exception to this rule is when the illness causes death due to negligence. This definition allows those who have experienced serious accidents or disabilities to be covered under their third definition of health.

This third definition of health is designed to allow for the existence of incurable or fatal diseases. In most cases, those who die of leukemia would fall under this category, because the disease often kills quickly without treatment. However, the definition does not state that all individuals who die of a disease are in a state of permanent disability. Depending upon a person’s age and health at the time of death, they could very well meet this third definition of health. This means that even though a patient may have advanced stages of cancer, they would still qualify for a coverage plan.

To sum it up, we have three definitions of health, each of which is associated with different degrees of disability and mortality. The definition associated with fatal diseases such as cancer is caused by their absence (terminal disease) and mortality (infection). The next most common definition is caused by their presence (incurable disease) and mortality. Lastly, the third, incurable definition, which represents those with incurable diseases, such as leukemia or AIDS.

The Princess of Leisure by Anna Wharton

To call someone to be your lover in Latin is quo toto (I want you to be my lover). It literally means, “in whole,” or “with exception.” If you think a fortune teller’s predictions about your future hold any meaning, then it means that you accept the reality of what he says. Use the adverbial term in toto when speaking about a relationship: “we completely share the same feelings.”

From whence did the Tin Man and his associate, Huckleberry Finn, come? I don’t think there is one definitive answer to this question, but toto seems to play an important role in all three books. In To Be Or Not to Be by Leo Tolstoy, we can read from the viewpoint of the Tin Man, who longs to meet the woman of his dreams. In To Be Or Not to Be by Henry David Thoreau, we can learn how to overcome our infatuation with all things female and follow a more solitary life.

In the third novel of the series, Anna Wharton is confronted with the choice between following her destiny and following her heart. A new relationship leads Anna to a strange, lonely island off the coast of Oregon. While on the island, Anna meets a man she calls Boaz, who is very different from the man she had seen in her dreams. Boaz wants Anna to accompany him to Europe, where he hopes to find a cure for her disease – a condition called “neurotic dyspepsia.” When Anna refuses, he runs away to marry another woman.

When we reach the end of Anna Wharton’s story, her destiny has finally been revealed, and she finally decides to follow her heart and travel to Europe. She takes a cab to Bordeaux, France, where she marries Boaz and lives with him in an idyllic country estate overlooking the river Seine. The novel then follows her to London, where she falls in love with a Mr. Hunt, while also trying to win a research grant for the botany department of her university.

Like its forerunner, Breathless, Anna Wharton’s Anna Wharton novels have become classics. However, this book differs from the other Wharton novels in that it is not based on a true story. There are many similarities to the story of Anna Wharton, the author has simply chosen to write in a different format. It should be noted, however, that this version of her story has enjoyed a resurgence of interest since the publication of Breathless and has even led to a sequel. Many readers have re-reads of Anna Wharton novels and enjoy this fictionalized version of her story.

In Breathless, Anna Wharton tells her story from a unique viewpoint. She gives us a rare and powerful view into the life of a woman who is married to a powerful English nobleman but has to flee his house at the beginning of the story to escape a mob. Anna Wharton weaves her story around the politics of her time as well as the intricate relationship that she and her husband have forged over the years. For those readers who enjoy historical fiction and who like a clever, witty woman, then Anna Wharton is the perfect writer for them.

The Duties of a Sport Management Professional

The level of organisational system that governs and impacts the sport can be used to differentiate if an activity is considered to be structured sport or not. Non-sport activities involve activities that are mentally challenging or purely recreational in nature and may not require physical effort. Sports involving repetitive physical activity and high levels of skill are considered to be structured sports. Activities engaged in for purely leisure, relaxation and health, or purely physical exercise, with the sole objective of human interaction, and involved in competitive action that takes place using rules and guidelines created by governing bodies. Sportive events such as athletics, motor sports, gymnastics, rugby, swimming and skiing are structured sports.


Organising sporting events is a complex process, which involves many different people and organisations. It requires careful consideration over the objectives, methods, formats and regulation of different sporting competitions, including sport law and sporting ethics. The development of a code of standard activity and a set of sport standards enables organizations to develop a common understanding of what it is that they are looking for in their sport events and how to protect the sport, its participants, the spectators and any other external parties. A sport event becomes a popular sport if the rules and regulations to ensure fair competition and uphold the values of sport itself.

Organisations involved in sport management must take into account the financial benefits of participating in the sport; this can be of great benefit to the national economy. However, beyond this there are many other issues to consider, such as welfare and issues of equal opportunity. Many governing bodies for mind sports have been reluctant to address these issues of fairness and equal opportunity in sport, often having been successful in the past at making some changes to certain behaviours that promote negative stereotypes. It is for this reason that it is often recommended that a sport management professional is consulted before taking up an involvement in a particular sport event.

Sport management professionals are able to work within a number of different sport organisations to ensure that sport and physical activity is promoted and encouraged as a socially responsible activity, where benefits are reaped by all stakeholders. It is for this reason that participation in sport and physical activity should be encouraged and supported at all levels, from schools and colleges to governing bodies. Sport management professionals are often involved in the development of policies and programs, providing a framework through which to tackle and change problems and promote positive attitudes and social responsibility.

The activities that sport can bring to society in general, and to each individual in particular, cannot be overlooked. As social activities, sport can create positive relationships between individuals and can help develop confidence and improve problem solving skills. Sport can foster teamwork and solidarity, helping to build a sense of positive engagement and team spirit. It can also provide a venue for professional sportspeople to display their skills and abilities to a wider audience and be rewarded accordingly. In addition, professionally developed sport programs can be used to build the recreational skills of everyone involved.

Sport management professionals can assist in promoting a healthy lifestyle and developing an environment that promotes physical fitness. Through sport development and scheduling, they can create an environment in which sport and physical activity can be enjoyed by everyone at all ages without the risk of injury. In addition to working with schools, colleges and universities, sport management professionals may be employed by private companies to manage their sports facilities and develop programs that will build overall fitness. This can prove very beneficial to the wider community, as healthy lifestyles are essential in preventing heart disease and other health issues. A career in sport and recreation can prove rewarding, both on the individual level and as part of an overall team effort.

Healthy Life – What is the definition of Health?

One of the most important factors to a person’s quality of life is health. Many people may view health as something physical, like the body, but this is not the case. Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is an “appearance of healthy functioning.” A number of definitions have been applied to health throughout the years, but what really defines health is a person’s ability to enjoy their life despite the challenges that may come along the way.


There are several other aspects that come into play when you talk about defining human health. These other factors include emotional health, meaning the capacity to handle stress in a way that allows you to be productive and succeed in your life; cognitive health, which refer to the capacity to process information correctly so that you can live a healthy and happy life; and physical health, which include the ability to function normally in the area of the mind and body. The fourth component, knowledge, has also been recognized as essential to good health. When a person has good overall health, they can focus on all of the components of good health with greater clarity.

For the individual who wants to strive for good health, there are many programs available to help you achieve the level of physical, emotional, and cognitive health that you are looking for. Individuals who are trying to improve both their physical and emotional well being may find exercise, yoga, meditation, or even good dieting a useful tool toward better overall health. Individuals who are interested in improving their cognitive health may find classes such as cognitive therapy or psychology to be helpful. A program that focuses on heart disease prevention may also be helpful for those individuals who want to prevent heart disease.

The physical condition of a person plays a critical role in the quality of their life and their ability to cope with illness, pain, and stress. Many people suffer from a number of ailments and illnesses that have negative emotional and physical effects on their lives. Depression is one of the leading causes of illness in the United States. Depression can have a significant impact on an individual’s health status well-being. Depression can cause feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, excessive fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, physical pain and swelling, gastrointestinal problems, and more. It can even lead to increased disease risk.

Some of the most common diseases and illnesses among adults include chronic illnesses, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, pneumonia, HIV/AIDS, obesity, osteoporosis, and other musculoskeletal disorders. While these are some of the most common health problems, there are also some surprising health problems that affect many individuals, including breast cancer and genital warts. Most individuals who experience these types of illnesses do not know they have them until it is too late. Early detection and treatment of these illnesses can significantly reduce their severity and extend the life expectancy of an individual suffering from an illness or disease. Some of the most common conditions treated in medical centers include cerebral palsy, stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease.

There are other ways to look at the definition of a healthy and quality life. The presence or absence of symptoms is one way to evaluate the health of an individual. Another way is to look at the quality of life that someone is achieving. Quality of life can be measured by the extent of a person’s ability to get along with his or her personal environment, to complete daily tasks, to work productively, and to enjoy life. A person’s level of social competence has a lot to do with his or her level of health and the ability to control disease.

High-Class Quality And Popularity

To “towel off” something means to wipe it off. In other words, to towel off the effects of the poison, illness, or accident. To do this, use the verb in toto when you wish to a more casual way to state the action. You may come across in toto in a legal document, a play, or a book, or perhaps you would like to describe how you took down all the school papers in toto. The verb in toto is also used to indicate the action of washing something. In that case, use the word wash to indicate the action.


Some people, including some of the Tin Man characters from the Tin Men series, use the word toto to indicate a person’s place of origin. For example, the protagonist of the TV show Tin Woman (actress Jennifer Aniston) uses toto a lot to describe her home life, and she uses it to express her desire to be like her mother (the real Tin Woman). Many Japanese people who are familiar with Tin Woman slang use toto to describe a place where they come from, as in Tokyo Girls – a popular anime TV series.

Even the writers of the Harry Potter books kept in mind the popularity of toto. Because they wanted to make the world of magic realistic, they gave descriptions of “Wands” and “Tooks” that were indeed analogues to real human words, like towel and trousers. Thus toto appeared in the world of literary language very early on, long before the Tin Man ever graced the stage. Today, the term toto still has a place in toto circles.

Despite its close resemblance to the ubiquitous towel, the toto is now finding new uses in many hotels around the world. Many hotels now provide customers with a free towel upon arrival, which they then use to wrap themselves in. The hotel also may provide towels and robes for guests to purchase upon arrival, and then these towels can be returned to the establishment if they are not used. These towels may also be laundered in hotel facilities instead of taking them outside to be hand-washed by guests.

In high-class hotels throughout the world, toto products are also used as decorative items. Some of the more common toto decorations include clocks, vases, picture frames, and wall hangings. Hotel lobbies often have pictures of the hotel, or sometimes of the local area taken by a camera, mounted on the walls. Some resorts even have pictures of scenery taken by skiers in the area, which may be shown in the in-house videos that are distributed to guests upon arrival.

Because toto paper comes in such a wide variety of colors, textures, and designs, it is commonly seen in interior design. Interior designers use toto paper for creating wallpaper and as borders on photos and paintings. It can even be used to create backgrounds for paintings, though this practice is not common in most other venues. Because of its high-class quality and popularity in other venues, toto paper is generally reserved for very special events, like weddings or parties.

The Origin of Sport


The Origin of Sport

Any definition of sport can be controversial. In simple terms, sport can be loosely defined as the human endeavor to organize, manage, and compete with sport events. In more practical terms, sport can be understood more precisely as a system of behavior in which the objective is to attain a particular goal. This goal is determined by the existence of a set of rules or standards that a participant wants to achieve, and that he or she is able to attain by using his or her body, mind, and spirit in the ways that are prescribed by the rules. For this reason, the sport can be thought of as a system of discipline or an organizational approach to achieving goals, rather than a domain of individual achievement.

Sport can be classified according to the extent and nature of the physical activity involved and also according to the extent and nature of the participation of participants. The two major categories are organised and unorganised sport. Organised sport involves controlled physical activity that aims to achieve a particular goal such as a winning race. Unorganised sport, on the other hand, is generally accompanied by impulsive physical activity, which may not be competitive in nature. It usually involves uncontrolled, but often exhilarating, physical fitness activities.

To understand why certain sporting competitions are popular among individuals, it would help to understand why other kinds of sporting activity are not popular. For instance, in the Olympic games, the competitors are all highly trained athletes who are not only highly motivated but who also undertake exhausting physical exercises and rigorous training in order to enhance their skills for particular sporting events. Organising sport is done through several processes such as sport preparation, sport administration, and sport marketing. These processes ensure fair competition among participants, with each trying to ensure that he or she achieves a common goal by using his or her different physical talents.

The history of ‘sport’ goes back hundreds of years to the days of the Ancient Greek Olympics, in which men would compete for athletic prizes. In ancient China, a sport was a way of bonding with friends and family and used to be referred to as ‘mass’. Ancient Greece and Rome were famous for their dependence on bodily activity, especially on the battle. Sports were regularly held, and several types of games were developed, such as wrestling, boxing, and war games. The first governing body for these games, the Roman Olympics, started regulating the games in 31 BC.

Since the inception of the European Union, there has been a constant effort to regulate the physical activity undertaken by European teams so that they can participate in official tournaments to win medals. In the US, the National Federation of Professional Sports has governed competitive play since its founding in 1947. A US National Soccer Association (US Soccer) was first formed in Division II of the US National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in Division I. A more recent, but also popular, divisional association in the US is the United States Football Association (USFA) which organizes the amateur and recreational sport of football. There are currently 14 governing bodies in total in the US, including the NCAA, the US National Team Training Council and the United States Olympic Committee. The USFA was created to “promote the sport throughout the entire country”.

While no one knows exactly how the game would have developed without its present day governing body, there is no doubting the importance of sport in modern society. As countries become more developed, sports become more important to the population. For example, in the UK, there are two major professional sports teams, Football Association (FA) soccer and Association Football. TheFA Cup, considered the “FA Cup”, is the most watched and rated cup competition in the world. The game is so popular that the FA recently experienced a split following an anti Rugby league campaign led by chief executive Lee Martin.

Seven Dimensions of Good Health

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition of full physical, emotional and social well being and not just the absence of illness and disease. A wide variety of definitions have been applied to the concept over the years. Some indicate that health is having healthy relationships, being physically active, having access to appropriate social services, having freedom from physical pain or limitations, having an active social life, having respect for one’s health, having a good diet, and having reasonable expectations regarding the quality of life. Other more secular definitions emphasize the importance of maintaining a balanced life, having social support, and accepting medical care.


It is important to note that the definition of health has changed over the years. The current definition emphasizes the need for improved overall well-being, including access to proper health services, physical activities, having freedom from limitations, and having a positive social support system in addition to having adequate medical care. The need for improved health promotion and education is essential to promote wellness. This effort encourages people to accept and respect their health, to manage their physical and mental illnesses, and to be willing to take responsibility for their health.

One of the goals of general health promotion and education is to reduce the stigma associated with mental health disorders. stigma can impede individuals from getting the help they need, preventing recovery and leading to worse health consequences down the road. Stigma can lead to greater rates of depression, substance abuse, and other mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, and schizophrenia. As such, stigma reduction efforts aim to eliminate negative social implications related to mental illness, while also promoting well-being. These efforts include programs such as AIDS prevention and education, cancer awareness and education, and other public health initiatives.

Not only does the absence of physical illness provide a foundation for good health, but it also provides a sense of psychological security. Individuals with a healthy self-image are less likely to be susceptible to negative emotions, such as shame, guilt, and self-doubt. Healthy self-image is also associated with higher levels of well-being. While individuals who are physically healthy may be at risk for certain types of diseases, they are less likely to experience serious consequences if they do contract those diseases. Physical diseases may not lead to death, but they certainly have the potential to cause lasting negative consequences if left untreated or undiagnosed. Untreated or ignored diseases such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, or osteoporosis may result in debilitating health consequences, such as heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, or even cancer.

In terms of the mental health and well-being, the promotion and maintenance of healthy relationships are an integral part of wellness. In addition to the promotion of physical health through exercise, proper nutrition, and a balanced diet, a healthy relationship with others is essential to achieving wellness. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a strong social network is one of the seven dimensions of healthy communities.

The promotion and maintenance of good health depend on the promotion and maintenance of a healthy social environment. This means that individual’s behavior, which can be described in terms of his or her behavior toward other people and toward physical environments, has a tremendous effect on the quality of his or her life and health. A healthy relationship with others involves reciprocating kindness, caring, respect, and openness. It also entails accepting the other person with all their faults and idiosyncrasies without blaming them, judging them, or criticizing them. Individuals who experience positive interpersonal relationships are far more likely to avoid disease, experience greater levels of happiness and well-being, and live longer than those who do not.

The Benefits of Dual Flush Toilets


The Benefits of Dual Flush Toilets

TOTO (Tokyo Otome Travel Company) is a Japanese company known mainly for its bathroom products. It is established in 1917 and is best known for producing the Washlet and related product lines. The company operates in nine countries, including Japan and the United States. Among its brands are the Washlet, Sauna, Jacuzzi, and other shower enclosures.

TOTO began making its own toilet seats in their factory in 1917. These toilets were actually part of a plan to improve work conditions in a famous crash in Tokyo, Japan. The car wash workers were given sewing machines instead of restrooms and thus invented the modern toilet seat. Eventually, all of their manufacturing moved to the U.S.

In addition to its many toilet seats, toto also makes some excellent, high-end bidets. Its bidet heads come in a variety of styles, so you can find something suitable for your tastes and budget. Best of all, TOTO offers competitive prices for their bidet products. Many of their models are among the most expensive on the market. The most popular models are the Washlets and Bestop toilet seats, but there are also more affordable ones.

If you are looking for the perfect toilet seat for your home, you should consider toto toilets. While you will pay more than you would for a simple toilet seat, you will also get a very useful product that will last for a long time and keep your floor clean. In order to keep your toto seat clean after each use, you simply need to wipe it down with a damp cloth every few days, or use a special seat cleaning spray designed to eliminate hard water build up.

TOTO’s bidet functions also include a handy hook that allows you to pull the toilet bowl closer to you, which in turn reduces the pressure on your back. This reduces the amount of water you need to flush, which is especially helpful if you have a dual flush toilet. When you sit on the toilet bowl with the hook pulled out, your feet are placed in the water. Because the water is pulled toward the buttocks, there is less water to splash onto the floor. This allows you to keep your butt on the seat, which helps to keep the seat clean. Plus, if you want to, you can raise your legs out of the water, eliminating splashy water splatters.

Like any other toilet, you can purchase TOTO toilet parts at any hardware store. You can find replacement parts for the washlets, flushing mechanisms, and bidet heads as well as accessories, including soap, shampoo, and creams. However, the parts and accessories are not included in the price of the toto toilets, so you will need to purchase these separately. You can typically find good prices by shopping online.

Sport vs Non-Sport


Sport vs Non-Sport

A sports movie is a movie genre, which makes use of sport as the main theme of the movie. It’s a fictional production where a sport, particular sport, participant of the sport, or team of sport are heavily involved, and that depend very much on sport for their major plot premise or resolution. For instance, if the movie takes place in Malaysia, the events in the plot will definitely relate to sports, or the people who follow that sport. Or it could also take place in the United States, in a town in which one of the professional athletes becomes a superstar. These all could be sub-plots to the main events of the movie, but that’s how they fit together.

Sports stories are always about two or more competing teams or athletes, and how they try to overcome some kind of obstacle in order to win the game or tournament. Some of these events are athletic competition such as wrestling, martial arts, boxing, sprinting, track running, tennis, hockey, soccer, basketball, football, sailing and so on. In many instances the events are physical and involve competitions between the various sports – although it can also be about the camaraderie between players within a team or a certain club or association as well. A popular sports movie, and the most popular, are the” Lakers’ Ball”, about the rivals LA Lakers and the inner-city team the Memphis Grizzlies.

Most sports movies take physical skill, or sport in its strictest sense, as the central theme. For instance, one could consider “The Replacements” (the movie version of “The Office”), which is all about a group of cheerleaders who play a secret role in the Americans’ successful victory in the World Basketball Cup. In this movie, the sport that the opposing teams are engaged in is almost entirely based on sport. The players use their sport physical skills, they use their sport mental skills and then they use their sport strategy in their efforts to win.

Many people think that if you’re engaged in a heated competition or clash of egos, then there’s no scope of sport, of fair competition or of fair play. But many professional sports have built up an infrastructure that promotes fair play and makes it clear that, even though individuals might have differing views, and even if you might be involved in a war of supremacy and hate, or if you are indulging in a dirty sport for the sheer thrill of competition, then it’s important to maintain a level playing field. You might say that any set-up like this needs to be properly regulated by a body, an authority, if you like. The problem with regulation is that it can be very difficult to regulate, especially if there’s not a standard for the different types of regulation.

It is important to note too that different types of regulation and the way in which they are administered, even if they are part of the same system, can serve different purposes. In one sense a certain type of regulation may be seen as covering up some unsavory tactics or foul play. And in another sense the opposite may be true. Sportive eating may well be seen as a foul play, but the sport body may not feel that the players have a particular ability or skill required of them to play sportingly.

Perhaps it is simply more appropriate to say that the sport requires a certain skill, some physical exertion, and the means by which to learn and master that skill. There is skill in sport; physical exertion is also involved in the activity. But what sport is truly considered a sport? Well, let’s go back to the original question.

The Fundamentals of the CAHPS Definition of Health


The Fundamentals of the CAHPS Definition of Health

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition that is maintained with proper nutrition, regular physical activity and consideration for the health of the persons involved. Various definitions have been used for many different purposes over the years. It has become one of the most important aspects of public health and medical research and planning. The ultimate aim of health is the prevention and reduction of diseases and disability that can result in premature death. It is a condition that is inclusive of a person’s personal and family values. It is necessary to understand that health is a state of total well being.

A very important contribution of the global health care improvement strategy is the adoption of the universal definition of health. The Universal Health System definition recognizes that health is the achievement of a state of full life or health for an individual, group or the community. It further defines health as a condition arising from the entire individual, social environment and biological heritage. According to this definition, health care is a proportionate process that results in the improvement of the general quality of life of the community as a whole. Adopting the universal health system definition opens up a world of opportunity for health systems to provide for the health needs of all and address the various concerns related to health.

According to this definition, health systems should work in partnership with communities, families and individuals to promote the health of all. Joint management refers to an approach that combines health systems and address multiple problems, issues and priorities facing today’s population. Joint management includes coordinating and combining different activities of health systems to ensure that the public’s health interests are maintained and promoted. These include primary care, special needs, immunization and secondary care. This enables comprehensive health services to be provided to the entire population.

On the other hand, the definition also acknowledges that the social determinants of health include factors that affect both health and the ability to perform to their potential. For example, age, gender, social class, place of birth and social mobility are some of the social determinants of health. Therefore, care should be taken to create an environment that is healthy and one in which people can strive to their maximum capacities.

The definition recognizes two separate but interconnected aspects of health as a state of total physical, mental and emotional well-being. Physical well-being is largely affected by health, and emotional well-being is strongly influenced by the environment one resides in and the relationships they have with other people. The environment is therefore seen as an encompassing concept that encompasses all aspects of health – physical, social and emotional. Therefore, prevention and promotion of healthy behaviours are seen as a key component in promoting better health as a state of total well-being. This includes the provision of appropriate environments that promote health, such as healthy food choices, adequate recreational opportunities, safe communities, adequate educational opportunities and access to health information.

The third aspect of the definition recognized by the CAHPS is that the promotion and maintenance of a healthy community. Health promotion programs are an integral part of healthy communities. Healthy communities comprise one set of people with similar needs who can work together towards achieving common goals. This is seen as one way in which health care can become a sustainable activity. The third aspect of this CAHPS definition is therefore seen to encompass not only the promotion and maintenance of health, but also the promotion and maintenance of a healthy society in general. This aspect has been widely recognized and used by many health systems around the world as a way of ensuring that all aspects of the CAHPS definition are met when implementing health care into communities.