What Are the Five Main Health Concepts?

What is health? What is healthy? Who gets health? These are just some of the questions many people ask. Health has various meanings that can be relative and change depending on who uses the term and in what context.


Health, according to the World Health Organization, “is a condition of full physical, emotional and social well being and not only the absence of illness and infirmity”. A number of definitions have also been used over the years for public health purposes. A healthy diet, for example, would be one in which foods contribute to good health while unhealthy diets contribute to poor health.

Healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle contribute to the maintenance of good health. However, there are a number of other conditions that are considered to be a disease but are not necessarily associated with a lack of proper nutrition or exercise. These include diseases related to the digestive system, respiratory problems, cancer, HIV and AIDS, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, dental problems, and nutritional disorders. All of these disorders are indicators of a lack of the proper nutrients or a poor exercise regimen.

The third definition of health, as it relates to the medical field, is the state of being able to tolerate normal or above-average health. Being healthy does not mean that one has managed or is able to cope with all aspects of life. One must be able to accept both the bad and the good, despite the limitations. In other words, one must be at peace with the fact that some diseases may always plague one’s body but it does not mean one can’t live a normal, happy, and healthy life. It simply means that he can handle and cope with the stressors in life.

The fourth definition of health is being able to maintain a good physical state, at least up to a point. It means being in good health, despite the presence of ailments like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. A healthy body does not necessarily mean a clean and spotless body, though. Some individuals may take it for granted that they are in good shape and do nothing to maintain their bodies. On the other hand, high blood pressure, a history of mental illness, poor eating habits, smoking, and regular consumption of alcohol and drugs can all contribute to a poor physical state, especially if not properly maintained.

The fifth definition of health is a state where the individual can cope with his or her environment, which usually means that he can cope with his physical surroundings. This does not mean that he can go on forever without experiencing any problem or discomfort. Rather, the individual should be capable of enduring the rigors of life, whether it be good health or a disease, and avoid getting trapped in a rut. People are often caught up in a vicious cycle of health problems and not being able to get out of it. In order to break this vicious cycle, people should have a complete list of the things they need to do to keep themselves healthy.