To Tango? Spanish is the New Way to Say It

Toto to (TO) means “away from” in Spanish. It can also mean “away from” or “on the opposite side.” An example of into in a Sentence An example of in to a sentence is used when the subject did not appear in the original form of the sentence, but was added latter. In toto the judge declined the testimony. The subject in toto remained silent.

Tom jumped to his feet and shouted, “Yes, master!” The words of the Tin Man in the above example shows us how much more important the role of the main character is then the existence of the minor characters. The subject in toto appears to be the most important person in the story. When the writer plans to introduce a new subject, the usual rule is to omit the subject from the verbs which describe the action of the main action. That is, in the sentence: Tom jumped to his feet. In toto Tom jumped means “while he was jumping” and tin man means “the Tin Man.”

This example shows the difference between porcaro and toto. A porcaro is something soft and delicious whereas toto is hard and crunchy. Porcaro is a delicious dessert. Toto is a tough and chewy snack.

This example is from an American television program. However in Spain toto is eaten as a meal and porcao is mostly drunk with hot chocolate. This demonstrates the parallelism between porcio and toto between drinking and eating. In America the American rock band Cake has a song called Porcino and it translates literally into “eating cake”.

The parallelism between toto and porcino shows how toto has transcended its original role to become a part of our everyday speech. The usage in literature also demonstrates how toto has become more acceptable to many people. Numerous famous authors have borrowed the quote and used it in their later work. The most famous example is Mark Twain’s “Toward the Wild West” in which the old cowboy saying is used and its meaning is made clear by the phrase “ware-in-your hand”. Further examples are George Carlin’s “Punch-Up a Monkey’s Head”, which makes fun of the stereotypical Western image of the sheriff with the tin man hanging over his head, as well as Arthur Miller’s “The Great Gatsby” where the title character quotes the saying, “All that glitters is not gold.”

Today, toto continues to be used in Spanish as a simple past form of verb. For instance, instead of saying “I am having a ball”, you state “I am one, a ball in my hand”. You can use a toto when you wish someone a good day, instead of “I wish you a very happy life”. It’s clear to see that toto has transcended its stereotypical roles to become more mainstream.