TOTO is a Japanese owned company that designs and manufactures household bathroom accessories. It is known worldwide for its excellent designs and styles of accessories. The brand name itself is styled as TOHO, abbreviated as Tokyo-Hitsu. It was established in 1917 and is most popular for creating the Washlet, and related accessory products. The company has many manufacturing facilities in nine different countries worldwide and is focused on improving quality of life through its accessory products. Some of the best selling TOHO products are shower enclosures, hand rails, bathroom vanities, faucets, accessories for sinks and tubs, toilets, wall mirrors, bath tubs, showers, and chrome & stainless steel appliances.
The most common accessories purchased by customers are the Washlets & Bathtubs. The Washlets are available in single and double models and come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. They are designed to fit into the existing bathroom space perfectly, and also to be smaller than traditional American flush toilets. The accessories include the toilet seat, hand rail, shelf or wall mount faucet, towel rack, wall mount remote control, shelf or wall mount shower cap, wall shelf, bath towel holder, and floor/ceiling mounted or standing free-standing wash basin. The toilet seat and hand rail came in different colors and finishes.
Toto Japan specializes in creating the Washlet styled accessories that have been worn by westerners. The Bathtub styled products were designed to provide users with an elegant and stylish bathroom accessory to wash their hair in. The product range of Toto includes Walk-in baths, Walk-out baths, Japans and Kettles. It is a Japanese toilet manufacturer that produces high quality and stylish toilet accessories. Many of the products of this company are water-resistant and can be used in any bathroom environment.
TOTO’s line of accessories includes the popular Washlets & Baths. The Washlets are a high quality and stylish option to traditional Japanese flush toilets. The products of TOTO come in a range of color combination’s including blue, aqua, gray, white, yellow, pink, purple, teal, white, walnut, gray, black and many more. The most popular and modern type of TOTO is the s 350e washlets & baths, which are a three-piece unit that offers easy and compact storage for any type of toilet the single piece, the semi-private or the public one.
The most popular models of the S350e washers & baths are the half-moon design, which comes in chrome and stainless steel, along with the tri-fold and super slim models. These designs are very sleek and chic, and are perfect to use with modern decors and modern toilet accessories. The Japanese designs are also very stylish and chic. The most common types of Japanese TOTO toilet accessories include the kawaii, haruka, minakasa, minakari, mofu, karesasa, kuromame, hankaku and each maguro collections.
The most popular accessories by TOTO include the seat heaters, the heated seats, the heated towel rails, the hand held remote control, the towel rails, heated toilet seats, remote control fans, the floor mounted chairs, the floor heated seats, the side heated seats, the center heated seats, the window mounted chairs and the inflatable toilet seat cushion. With the ever increasing demand for a luxurious Japanese style toilet, TOTO has launched their line of accessories like rugs and mats, which also enhance the bathroom decor and style. The company has also launched a line of mini-fountain, which can be placed in a corner of the room to provide a soothing ambiance. The company also produces a special item called the “Shirobon”, which comes with a bowl that is decorated with Japanese characters.